David – How to be a Leader

 Curriculum Series Ages 6-12



Created for:

    • Church Children’s Services
    • Camp & VBS Teaching Time
    • Bible Lessons at School

    • Fully Editable Leader Guide
    • Teaching & Training Videos
    • Kids Handout per Lesson
Curriculum Details:

    • 5 lessons which includes
    • Games, teaching and group-time
    • Ages 6-12

How to be a great leader when everything’s against you


What if God would look at your kids and say; “look, these are kids after my own heart”? Wouldn’t that be the dream of every parent and pastor?

God looked at David and said just that. (1 Sam 13:14) In fact, he evaluated most kings by asking: “Is he like my servant David?”

But what made David so special? And how do we become men and women after God’s own heart? How do we become wise and skillful leaders like David? (Ps 78:72).

Let’s take a mind-blowing journey through the first half of the book First Samuel, to answer these life-changing questions.

“Kids will be at the edge of their seats!”

Video Lessons


Each of the five lessons come with a top notch animated story that follows David’s life. The script was written after thorough theological and historical research, including most recent archeological finds.

The music was custom scored to fit both a cinematic feel as well as a modern, grungy finish to bring the tension of that day home today.


Curriculum Details

This first series of David will have kids’ jaws drop! Follow the amazing story of David’s early years. From shepherd-boy to defeating Goliath to serving at Saul’s court… the kids will see how David was a leader in all situations.

This series goes through 1 Sam chapter 20, when David’s time at the palace concludes. After this series, you can either go right into series 2, or run a series in-between and return strong with David 2.



Lesson 1: The #1 secret of a great leader

Start off right showing what made God so interested in the shepherd boy: David had his heart set on God. Kids will learn that it wasn’t David’s shepherding skills or slinging skills that made him amazing. It was his love for God, which is the first principle for any leader.


Lesson 2: What a great leader understands

As the story of David continues, kids see that David didn’t always understand where God was taking him. But he obeyed nonetheless. Obeying God without understanding it all, is a counter-cultural habit that made David stand out.


Lesson 3: What a great leader believes (includes salvation emphasis)

Everybody was afraid of Goliath, except David. Why? Because David believed that God would save him and his nation. His beliefs turned him into the only courageous leader that day.


Lesson 4: Why a great leader leads

The “why” is just as important as the “what”. David’s story takes a crazy turn, because Saul’s “why” is completely different from David’s “why”. Your kids will see the difference between the two and learn the ultimate reason to lead: for God’s glory.


Lesson 5: How a great leader stays great

End the series with a bang, showing how great leaders stay great. When David gets in more and more danger, he still allows his best friends to correct him and speak into his life. Accountability is what keeps great leaders great.


What Will This Do For Us?


This curriculum brings about 15 innovations to your Children’s Ministry or school.


Discover All Of Them >>


Lesson Leader Guides


You’ve just found the best thing since sliced bread. These lessons not only teach practical, applicable lessons to a captivated audience, they also take them on an interactive ride. Every game, every module involves all kids. Plus you’ll hardly need to prepare anything.

Go ahead, check out a sample lesson:

Download Free Lesson


Take-Homes for Kids

Why stop after the lesson is done? You can provide your kids with a stunning handout full of activities, challenges, family interaction and even Biblical entertainment.



Editable Screen-Graphics


Every lesson’s screen-graphics are included (with some funny extras) in both Powerpoint and Image versions. Simply drag into your presentation software of choice (like ProPresenter, MediaShout, Keynote, PowerPoint) and you’re ready to go.

Or, create your own version by modifying the editable PowerPoint files.


Buy now

To make it easier on you, this product is download-only. You can download every lesson and video within seconds after purchase. Since we do not ship DVDs or booklets, you can print as many copies as you need!

What’s included?

Immediately after purchase, you’ll have access to download this series. Included are:

    • Editable Screen Graphics for all lesson modules
    • Teaching videos per lesson (1 per lesson) *
    • Editable leader guides for your team (1 per lesson)
    • Printable take-home for kids (1 per lesson)
* Every video asset in this lesson package will be custom watermarked with your church name upon purchase. It is available minutes after purchase.




or try it out first:

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